The leukocyte

ERROR is a powerful, enigmatic entity who has made a home out of the ANTIVOID — the white, nigh-infinite, horrifically radioactive "nothingness" cradling Multiverse TAU and every multiverse beyond it. Like every version of ERROR, he acts as a single-bodied IMMUNE SYSTEM, detecting and seeking out dangerous anomalies or naturally-expiring "nodes" in Multiverse TAU's code and destroying them. Unfortunately, most of these nodes are worlds, many still with sentient life inside... which is why, despite ERROR's air of innocuous absurdity, it is often called "THE GOD OF DESTRUCTION".For better or worse, it often finds itself sharing common goals with the terrorist group known as NIGHTMARE'S PANTHEON.


TOTAL AGEadult (April 4th)
HEIGHT91 cm (~3")
GENDER/SEXmale (♂) (he/it)
SPECIES/TYPEpersonification (destruction)
ALIGNMENTchaotic good

Origin Point

what's it to you? nosy freak.
poking around looking for a miserable little pile of back-ack-ackstory?
well, there's n-n-n-nnothing. my life's peachy keen! i got hobbies and lots of friends. [people you wouldn't know.] people WAY cooler than you...
oh. you want to know why i wo-o-o-o-o-rk with nightmare and his goons?
[god, why all the interest in that asshole lately?]

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnightmare keeps his word.
freak or not, there's a guy who'll actually follow up on a fav-av-avor.
[same can't be said for lots of the freaks who both-oth-other me.]
i'm a busy guy. i got shit to do. i don't have time to be dealing with people who SAY THEY WANT MY HELP BUT THEN TURN AROUND AND DONT LET ME actually DO AN-an-anYTHING."nooooooo, [ E R R 0 R ], when i sai-ai-aid i needed you to help me fight this rando who's -"[god, i never remember. what's been the last one? whatever, like it's ever different...]
[god, i never remember. what's been the last one? whatever, like it's ever different...]
[god, i never remember. what's been the last one? whatever, like it's ever different...]
"- trying to take over the world or whatever, i didn't want you to killlllll him!"nightmare remembers what he owes me. and he doesn't fuck with how i do shit....i heard they got a new freak. human. i think. took a peek at it. it's ugly. broken. must have got it from a world where everyone's disgusting and sick-iiii-ick all the time.he better not be trying to replace me.
but it'd be funny to watch him try. no fucking broken-coded hobo is gonna...

[oh, right. nightmare hates humans, doesn't he?
it's weird, that he would... that's probably why people keep...]

what question did you as-as-ask? sorry. got distracted.
no, wait. go away. i just remembered the super cool thing i have to do immediately right now. a party i have to go to. one you were explicitly not invited to. it was weiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-i-i-i-ird how uninvited you were, actually. like, definitely spiteful. you must have pissed the guy off, i dunno... not my party, you know...but i'm going. and so should you. [somewhere else. far away from me.]thx. bye <3


Through years of constant exposure to the concentrated code radiation found in the ANTIVOID, ERROR has developed a uniquely incredible connection M-TAU's code itself, which he can now not only see and manipulate completely at will, but can even destroy — the latter typically by way of the blue "strings" he can pull from his eyes, with which he can isolate and extract portions of code (even from living SOULs), or ensnare whole worlds with pinpoint precision and shred them from the outside.However, "code" — being only the basest understandable state of magic & matter — still follows the law of conservation of mass, which means that it cannot be truly "destroyed", only changed. And while this may seem a moot point when ERROR is reducing a planet to its composite atoms, it's more limiting when dealing with living, conscious entities, whose code is difficult to parse at the best of times due to its tendency to constantly change. So while ERROR can use his strings to temporarily "overlay" an entity's conscious will with his own, even he cannot truly erase any part of their code... at least not without "ending the program" the old fashioned way, first.



  • Native language is English; also fluent in Spanish. Understands ASL but cannot "speak it" himself

  • Has moderate haphephobia, likely caused by the sensory and psychological side-effects of prolonged white room torture

  • Horrifically near-sighted; uses his strings as sensory assistants much the same way a spider does a web

  • His body does not technically "exist", but is rather a "lacking" — because of this, it does not reflect light, and he will never appear "shaded" even outside of the ANTIVOID

  • Perpetually glitching, but these glitches may increase in intensity at random intervals or during points of high emotion; this blinds him, and can lead to a crash

  • (ERROR's crashes can be more-or-less equated to tonic seizures; his whole body locks up, he loses consciousness, and he may sometimes lose balance and fall over. Typically lasts less than 30 sec., but recovery takes longer.)

  • Spends most of his free time knitting replicas of outcodes he's interested in, or else creating portals to watch an AU called "Undernovella" (which is exactly what it sounds like)

  • Would sooner kill himself than admit it, but years in the ANTIVOID have left him extremely fucking lonely — something he copes with by spying on the aforementioned outcodes

  • Technically does not need to eat or sleep; in fact, most of his biological functions have been permanently "paused". He only needs semi-regular exposure to the ANTIVOID's code radiation, otherwise, ironically, he will destabilize

  • One of the only personifications in existence who was not created by a primordial organ, but came to be by chance

  • While in the ANTIVOID, he is plagued by "voices". He assumes these are hallucinations, but in fact, they are residual INTENT from Creators being carried by radiation

  • Has 5 tongues, and somewhat struggles to eat with them

  • Has a near-perfect memory... spanning about 3 years

  • "Leukocyte" is another name for "white blood cell"; the cells of the body responsible protecting the body against infection

what's it to you? nosy freak.poking around looking for a miserable little pile of backstory?well, there's nothing. my life's peachy keen! i got hobbies and lots of friends. people you wouldn't know. people WAY cooler than you...oh. you want to know why i work with nightmare and his goons?
(god, why all the interest in that asshole lately?)
nightmare keeps his word. freak or not, there's a guy who'll actually follow up on a favor. (same can't be said for lots of the freaks who bother me.) i'm a busy guy. i got shit to do. i don't have time to be dealing with people who say they want my help but then turn around and don't let me actually do anything."no, error, when i said i needed you to help me fight this rando who's -"(god, i never remember. what's been the last one? whatever, like it's ever different...) (x3)"- trying to take over the world or whatever, i didn't want you to kill him!"nightmare remembers what he owes me. and he doesn't fuck with how i do shit....i heard they got a new freak. human. i think. took a peek at it. it's ugly. broken. must have got it from a world where everyone's disgusting and sick all the time.he better not be trying to replace me.
(but it'd be funny to watch him try. no fucking broken-coded hobo is gonna...)
(oh, right. nightmare hates humans, doesn't he? it's weird, that he would... that's probably why people keep...)...
what question did you ask? sorry. got distracted.
no, wait. go away. i just remembered the super cool thing i have to do immediately right now. a party i have to go to. one you were explicitly not invited to. it was weird how uninvited you were, actually. like, definitely spiteful. you must have pissed the guy off, i dunno... not my party, you know...but i'm going. and so should you. (somewhere else. far away from me.)thx. bye <3